Identity & Access Management

S3 can help you every step of the way

A successful IAM program begins with a well planned and executed Strategy Roadmap and Business Process Solution Design. Without this foundation to enable Technology Configuration, Deployment, and ongoing Governance, your ability to sustain the program is near impossible.
IAM Baseline & Strategy Roadmap

IAM Baseline & Strategy Roadmap

In order to determine what path lies ahead for your IAM program, a baseline of IAM program and Security maturity should be your starting point.  S3’s process and technology analysis will determine the steps necessary to achieve your goals.

Our efforts not only target the achievement of the long-term strategy but your short term needs to achieve sustainable and compliant success.

IAM Solution Design

Building on your strategic roadmap, S3’s Solution Design unifies the IAM program strategy and infrastructure plan into an executable design. We define agile and sustainable business processes to help you define a program to facilitate authentication and authorization across the enterprise.

IAM Solution Design
IAM Technology Build & Configuration

IAM Technology Build & Configuration

S3’s Technology Build and Configuration services focus on the build out of recommended technology for the organization. This will support the selection, configuration, testing, and migration preparation for the organization. These preliminary steps also ready the organization to deploy recommended IAM solutions.

We deliver the necessary documentation to support the maintenance of the configured solutions, operational manuals to support the program, and any validation documentation for compliance purposes.

IAM Deployment, Measurement and Governance

Success is based on your KPIs and metrics defined during strategy development. It is defined by monitoring your deployment and measuring against identified benchmarks. Incremental changes can be made to get your solution on track to effective and compliant sustainability.

Continuing education and strict adherence to the governance and change control process during this phase will ensure your program’s enterprise-wide adoption. Our solutions offer keen insight into the evolution and methods to evaluate and determine success for your program.
IAM Deployment, Measurement and Governance
IAM Operate, Support & Evolve

IAM Operate, Support & Evolve

The key to long term success is continued evangelism and evolution. As the organization evolves, so should your supporting processes and technology. Without this adaptation, processes and compliance will begin to deteriorate. SOC statistics and initiatives to periodically analyze reported data will enable the program to improve over time.


Success is not only focusing on the IAM program, but the continued enablement of business operations.

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